Is it safe to visit Israel?


A substantial number of people would not consider Israel as a tourism destination.  But if you ask any Israelis about this worry, the only answer you will get is: Israel is the safest country in the world to travel!

Israel’s unfortunate experience in terrorism has made her become a leading country in the world in fighting terrorism. Israeli doctrines of fighting terrorism are been taught all over the world.  Israel has a lot of experience in preventing terror attacks. Israel police is spread all around the center of the towns and Israeli police personal are well trained in preventing danger. Add to that the Israeli intelligence forces that consider being the best in the world. No doubt that when you are traveling Israel you can consider yourself in good hands

Tourists in Israel feels perfectly safe eating in restaurants, using the public transportation or shopping in the mall. All places mentioned above are being secured by guards during all opening hours.

In the Israeli army there are about 180000 soldiers carrying guns, and around 350,000 citizens in Israel are carrying a gun. It means that in Israel 7% of the people are carrying a gun. We are talking about licensed gun that are listed and supervised by the state. It was proved that citizens carrying guns in Israel helped many times to prevent crime and terror attacks. So where ever you travel in Israel, there is a good chance that you have a guard without your knowing.

Most Israelis are more alert to suspicious people or objects. Living in a country like that you develop a 6th sense for bed people who mean to harm. Identifying terrorism became a second nature in the common Israeli citizen. Therefore the citizens of Israel are not indifferent to suspicions event, people or things.

After eliminating the fear of terrorism factor as a reason for not visiting Israel, lets examine other safety subjects.

Traveling in Israel during the night- is very safe in all major cities. In many cities around the world you will be risking your life going out on nights. In Israel going out in the night and touring cities like Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Haifa or any other city is very safe. Women can feel completely safe traveling in Israel alone, even in the nights.

Hitchhiking in Israel- While in many countries in the world hitchhiking is dangerous, in Israel it’s very common. Israel is known for its friendliness towards tourists.  Maybe it’s the Jewish legacy that effects the Israeli character, the fact is that when traveling Israel people will always be there for you. When you need guiding, help and assistants, people will do that for you. Israelis are very welcoming and pleasant to tourist in Israel. Tourist in Israel will experience the friendly atmosphere wherever they travel in Israel.
Traveling in Israel is nothing like traveling any other country. All the biblical stories happened in Israel and where created in Israel. Traveling Israel is traveling in the foot steps of Jesus, in the foot steps of Abraham and all the prophets.

There is no doubt that there is something in the air you breathe in the holy land that we can’t explain. Once you visited Israel there is no going back, your understanding of HOME won’t be the same. You will want to keep coming to Israel again and again.