Israel Holidays 2017


Feb. 11th Tu b’Shvat (15th of the month of Shvat, the holiday of plants)
Mar. 12th Purim
Mar. 13th Shushan Purim (Extra day of Purim for Jerusalem and Safed)
April 10th Passover (Pesach) evening *
April 11th – 17th Passover*
May 2nd Independence Day*
May 14th Lag b’Omer
May 24th – Jerusalem Day
May 30th – Shavuot eve (Pentecost evening)*
May 31st – Shavuot (Pentecost)*
Aug. 1st – Tish’a b’Av
Sept. 20th – Rosh Hashana eve 5778 (New Year eve)*
Sept. 21st – 22nd Rosh Hashana 5778 (New Year)*
Sept. 29th – Yom Kippur eve (Day of Atonement evening)*
Sept. 30th – Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)*
Oct. 4th – Sukkot eve (Feast of Tabernacles evening)*
Oct. 5th – 12th – Sukkot*
Oct. 12th – Shemini Atzeret (Simchat Torah) eve*
Oct. 13th – Simhat Torah*
Dec. 12th Chanukah eve (Lighting of first candle)
Dec. 13th – 20th Chanukah

The blue ones are public holidays.