5-Star Medical Arc Design in Israel


“Five-star hospital” is the standard of new medical architecture in Israel.

Israel has a number of “5-star” style hospitals, and they all come from Sharon Architects, an architecture design frim based in Tel aviv, and the leading medical architecture design from globally.

The founder of Sharon Architects, Ariel Sharon, was Israel’s chief country planner and the world-renowned Bauhaus designer. The firm is currently running by the third generation – Arad Sharon and partner Sharon Gur Zeev.

One of most famous part of the hospital design is the wartime hospital which utilizes underground parking lot. The Rambam Hospital in Haifa, the northern city of Israel, has three underground floors and a total of 1,200 parking lots that  can be converted to a 2,000-bed wartime hospital within 20 minutes if needed.

Above: parking lot; Down: wartime hospital

Full-function operating room

Operating room planning has two main concepts: American and European, while the European design of the patients, medical personnel, sterile equipment and pollution equipment in the line of action in the space for the segregation. The surgical operating room is a clean environment for performing the surgery. It is designed in the correct indoor inclusion order (wall, floor, ceiling) and incorporates ventilation and filtration systems, background lighting and surgical lights, and surgical attachments suspended from the ceiling. While the patient must be as far away as possible from the walls and floors. The technically advanced operating room, in addition to surgical equipment, incorporates a number of different medical devices, such as a mixed operating room for cardiac surgery and cardiovascular surgery, equipment including cardiac catheterization and cardiovascular surgery, Invasive radiation-angiography equipment.

Operating room combined with advanced magnetic resonance imaging technology, the need for radio frequency insulation coating, and combination of surgery and radiation therapy.

Operating room with non-invasive endoscopic equipment.

Future operating areas will incorporate advanced imaging techniques such as MRI, tomography, and medical linear accelerators, and recently joined the design of a radio wave knife, which includes surgical equipment combined with X-ray.

In August 2015, Sharon Architects was invited by the Israeli Ambassador to China with a delegation of 25 Israeli architects to Beijing and Xi’an to participate in a seminar. “We look forward to building a valuable experience in medical architecture and building a win-win partnership with China’s medical architecture,” says Arrow Sharon. He is invited by the Tsinghua University Institute of Architecture to present a series of presentations to share his practical experience in medical architecture and other architectural design. Shalom Architects publishes the book Healing Architecture in Israel and has a Chinese version.